Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Tips for Better Living

I am praying every morning for God to move in my life. To touch my heart, my mind and my spirit. This morning I prayed for "patience & grace" and immediate my work notebook/laptop began acting up. I know if I close it I'll get a nasty surprise (shut down/lost work) so I've had to slowly. Slowly. Slowly. finish what I was working on so I can leave the house.

This activity has sorely tried my patience. Every action has required significant patience because the system is being incredibly slow in its responses. While waiting for responses, I've read John 5:19-47, studying some of the Word. Then I decided to write today's post (in progress now). Trying not to lose focus on getting the work stuff done (I'm easily distracted) and to not lose patience. I'm struck by God's awesome ability to answer our prayers.

God cannot give me patience, but he can create the work-out routine that will help me develop patience. He can plant people and situations in my day that will try my patience and help me build strength and endurance. Just as it takes training to get our bodies in shape, it takes training to get our spirits in shape.

And just as I finished writing this post, I finished my last action item for work so I could reboot my computer. And there, at the bottom of the stack on my computer's desktop was a Microsoft error message saying something like "scripts on this web page may cause your system to run slowly. Do you want to abort the script?" That wasn't Microsoft at work, that was God at work (maybe using Microsoft to His purpose).

I don't feel frustrated or impatient. I feel blessed. And that's a wonderful way to start the day. I have no doubt that God will continue to answer my prayers, and my patience will be tried throughout the day.

God, give me the grace to remain filled with your Spirit. Help me to grow strong through humble patience. Let there be no eye-rolling and deep sighs in my responses to the opportunities you provide. Help me be your witness by practicing the patience you've given me. Praise Your name!



Anonymous said...

You are good, Friend. I wanted to say, be careful what you pray for. ;)


Jeanette said...

I liked your post. I am SO behind on blog reading! I have been cleaning and working on DSACt stuff late EVERY night for the last two+ weeks. Anyway, I enjoyed getting back to reading your blog. Miss you! See you tomorrow morning!