I was especially taken by the fifth chapter, “My Child is in Danger.” The opening scripture is Luke 8:50. Max expands on the story of Jairus’ daughter who died before Christ arrived to heal her. Although other examples of parental love and faith are highlighted, Jairus’ tale is a shining reflection of Jesus valuing family and rewarding parents’ faith. Max reminds us that before our children are “ours” they are His.
“Pour out your heart like water before the face of the LORD. Lift your hands toward Him for the life of your young children.” (Lamentations 2:19) We’re encouraged by Max’s exhortations “Parents, we can do this. We can be loyal advocates, stubborn intercessors.” He creates a view of the grim alternatives if we don’t. How do we find balance, avoiding the extremes? By prayer! Pray for them and pray with them.
This hit close to my heart. I hope other parents embrace the prayerful parenting style. I trusted God with so much of my life but hoarded the burden of parenting, letting fear dominate.
Whether your weakness is fear for your children, your retirement, your own mortality or any of the other scenarios presented, there is surely something here for you. I often thought of people who might benefit from Max’s scripture-based lessons. There is a helpful section in the back for group or individual reflection on how fear can affect our lives and what we can do about it. I will be picking up extra copies of Fearless to share with some of the folks I love.
I am a member of Thomas Nelson’s Book Review Blogger program: http://brb.thomasnelson.com/
1 comment:
You have encouraged me to be a more prayerful parent (effectively, too!) and continue to do so with posts like this. Thank you. BFF
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